sjx jet boat

Hands down the best built, best handling river jet boat on the water

The reason an SJX Jet boat stands out above the rest is our commitment to providing their boat customers with over 26 standard features on all SJX2170 base models.

Own the best River jet boat

The SJX is designed for strength-of-structure, performance, and functionality. The SJX is unrivaled in utility, recreational use, payloads, and fuel economy in extreme shallow water conditions.

Custom Order an SJX

To customize your SJX boat package, fill out our online form and we will get right back to you.

UHMW bottoms

Years of “Hard Core” testing and development resulted in the ultimate bottom protection for a shallow water jet boat.

Features & Specs

See what sets the SJX Jet Boat apart from any other jet boat on the water

Impressive color options

From standard to optional to customized. The SJX comes in a variety of colors wraps to choose from. Which one is right for you?

SJX video playlist

Just a few videos we’re shot over the years. Amazing then…amazing now.


The "X" package combines 12 of the most requested optional features

Over the years, our customers have been able to start with our standard SJX boat and select any accessories they want, depending on their needs for their rivers or lakes.
We found that 85% of our customers would order 12 items, and for both production efficiencies and volume cost savings, we were able to offer those items as an “accessory package” we call the “X” package. When ordered individually, these items would sell for $6,940 combined. By bundling these items, we are offering the “X” package at a savings of almost $2,000. (There is a $5K flat upcharge for the “X” package.) Customers can still choose the “X” package and request that, for example, 4 of these items not be included. The price of those items will be reduced from the boat, allowing the customer to enjoy most of the “X” package advantages without having to buy items they may not require or need.

the 12 "X" Package optional features

SJX Black Ice and Point and Shoot Bottom


Years of “Hard Core” testing and development resulted in the ultimate bottom protection for a shallow water jet boat. SJX uses a highly technical process to adhere the unique and patented material to the bottom of their boats, without drilling 244 holes through it as some of our competitors do.

The "Point n Shoot"

The Point and Shoot, which consists of a center “skid” of 3/8″ thick UHMW bonded to the most vulnerable part of the boat. This level of protection runs from the bow area of the boat all the way down the center (lowest portion in the water), and on both sides of the rear tunnel, ending at the very back of the hull. The Point and Shoot is a great upgrade to the standard aluminum bottom and is ideal for boaters that occasionally find themselves in a situation where they want to continue exploring up a marginal river, shoal, etc., but are afraid they will not be able to slide over any obstructions without getting hung up. Point and shoot generally be about half of the cost of the Full Black Ice bottom.


The Black Ice bottom is the absolute ultimate in hull protection, especially from a “strength to weight” ratio. Rather than building the hull out of much thicker and heavier aluminum, or installing an even heavier steel plate under the boat, consider the Black Ice bottom. While generally costlier, this incredible system does not sacrifice performance and does not jeopardize the integrity of the hull by “swiss cheesing” it with holes that eventually leak. Not only does the Black Ice bottom cover 100% of the wet surface of the bottom, it even protects the side of the boat from impact near the waterline. There simply is not a better form of protection, abrasion resistance, weight, and buoyancy, all the while giving you the uncanny ability to slide over gravel bars, logs, and whatever else is keeping you from getting further up that river.

How the UHMW bottoms are installed, and why it’s so important

The way this patented product is installed is a very technical and labor intensive process. It would be much easier and less expensive to use a spray on product. We have tested spray on bottoms on our boats that have been hyped by the manufacturer to never come off, and to be just as slippery and impact resistant as the UHMW material. The photo to the right shows how that worked out on a competitor’s boat at less than 20 hours. Needless to say, SJX does not offer a spray on bottom option.


Our 10-step UHMW installation process takes 3 days and includes etching, priming, adhesion, plastic welding, compression, fitting, sealing, vacuum bagging, curing, and edge beveling. We use the same advanced adhesive employed by a major truck builder to bond cab components to their frames, replacing traditional welding. Unlike standard UHMW, our patented 3/8″ German-made sheets feature a bonded mesh fabric on one side, providing millions of contact points for secure adhesion—eliminating the need for excessive bolting used by competitors

SJX Jet Boat Action Gallery

A collection of amazing photos

a breed apart

Why would you buy an SJX instead of any of the pretenders in the Shallow Water Jet Boat Market?

Shallow water jet boats are a breed all their own. There just aren’t that many extreme shallow water jet boats any jet boat that has the Indmar Eco-Boost and is considered a shallow water boat are based on a copy of this design. So when you take a copy of this design and set it side-by-side with our original design it’s really a no-brainer. The quality of our build just stands out so much higher than any of the others out there. Anybody can put bells and whistles on a boat. It doesn’t make it float any better, it doesn’t make it perform any better. This boat was designed for the strength of structure, performance, and 110% functionality. Not just in utility uses but recreational uses. The utility uses are unbelievable. Primarily for payloads and economically in shallow water conditions.

Whether you are a hunter, a fisherman, or an adventurist, you could quite possibly drive your SJX boat to places where nobody else has ever been.  Our boats simply go where no others can go.  A plane might be able to fly over, but good luck landing in the wild. Shallow water jet boats are a breed apart.  When we introduced the first shallow water tunnel hull, we put the Mercury Sport Jet in it.  All the imitators followed suit.  We have upgraded to the Indmar EcoBoost and are the only EcoBoost-powered aluminum tunnel hull available so far.  The imitators may soon try to follow again.  But put any of their boats next to our SJX and the choice is a no-brainer.  The quality of our boat builds just stand-alone compared to them.  Anyone can put all kinds of bells and whistles on a boat, but that doesn’t make it float any better, doesn’t make it perform any better.  The SJX is designed for strength-of-structure, performance, and functionality.  The SJX is unrivaled in utility, recreational use, payloads, and fuel economy in extreme shallow water conditions.


Obviously, as a hunter, you want to get to those remote locations. You want to get to where the game is, and so long as you are in an SJX you can. It goes without saying that getting there is only half the journey. You're going to have extra payload and more weight from the game. You need to be able to take the game out. The SJX has no problem getting up the river to where you need to go and getting the game back out as that extra payload. It's designed for it.


An avid fisherman wants to reach the spots other fishermen can only dream about. From a recreational standpoint, the performance of an SJX is unmatched. You will be able to get to the places you couldn't get before. Get to where the fishing is better. Have a longer range of running on less fuel. When you consider the new Indmar 2.3-liter EcoBoost’s fuel economy you're looking at running between 4 and 5 gallons an hour. In other words, you leave all the other boats behind.


"I can honestly say that I have been into remote locations as a result of using the SJX that no human being has ever set foot on. On some of our trips in Alaska we have literally driven this boat up into the mountains. It's that amazing." A lot of times people who own an SJX find themselves to be alone on the river most of the year. There are times in spring when the water levels are higher that all the boats can get on the river. With an SJX you can get on that river all year long even in the low-water situations.

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